The Benefits of the ECS
The HUB connects to your wireless router with a network cable. This allows the HUB to communicate wirelessly with the App and with the heaters that have the NCU2R receiver installed.
The Energy Control System allows you to centrally control your Nobo panel heaters via an app. You will need: Nobo Energy App + Hub + Receiver + Nobo Panel
The HUB connects to your wireless router with a network cable, allowing it to communicate wirelessly with the app and with all Nobo heaters in range that have been fitted with the NCU2R receiver.
You can organise all the heaters into zones and give each zone a weekly program to suit the family's daily schedule - ensuring you heat your home according to when each zone is in use. Set the bedroom zones to heat during the night and the kitchen zone to heat around cooking times. You can also set different temperatures for different times of the day and readjust your weekly schedule easily.
Use Energy Control System App to organise all the heaters into zones and give each zone a weekly program to suit the family’s daily schedule. This ensures you heat each zone according to when that zone is in use. For example, set the bedroom zones to heat during the night and the kitchen zone to heat around cooking times. Or simply activate one of the pre-programmed typical weekly programs.
For added efficiency, you can also set different temperatures for different times of the day so you get the right amount of heat at the right times. For instance, set your newborn's room to a constant 18°C (to ensure the room is the ideal temperature for their regular naps) and set the hallway to be 20°C during the day and 15°C during the night.
If your weekly schedule changes, the system is very easy to reprogram. The app also allows you to override these timings. Select “Away” mode in case you go on holiday or “Comfort” mode if you are opening up your home to a party.
A competitively priced system designed to save you money. Energy Control System, coupled with energy efficient NOBO panel heaters allow you to create a whole-home centrally controlled heating system for the fraction of the cost of other central heating systems. You can also use Energy Control System to complement your existing primary heat source. Many homes have a heat source in the central living area but the other rooms are too cold; leading to sicknesses from prolonged exposure to cold temperatures or temperature fluctuations experienced moving between cold and warm areas.
Reduce your electricity bill by up to 25%. Analyses show that energy control systems can reduce your electricity consumption by up to 25%. In addition to reducing your electricity bill, you will achieve a better comfort level inside your home.
Scandinavian simplicity and quality. Designed and developed in Norway, Energy Control System is designed to withstand their -40°C winters. User friendly Scandinavian design is also at the forefront of the App design.